Flower Moon

The beginning of May marks the midpoint between the spring equinox and summer solstice and provides plenty of reasons to look up. The opening of the month also brings a waxing moon brightening the evening sky. This month’s full moon on May 5th is known as the “flower” moon. Friday night, the full moon will graze Earth’s shadow to create what’s known as a penumbral lunar eclipse.

A full moon is generally marked by a period of unburdening the mind and getting revitalised. When a lunar eclipse is factored in, it provides an opportunity to focus on oneself and introspect. Reportedly, astrologers see this moon phase as a time of vulnerability and letting out the deepest emotions for the different zodiacs. During this time, communication is key during the flower moon month and can affect your equation with your siblings. It’s time to let go of certain things, not be bothered by negativity and encourage self-love. May
2023 can also be a month of taking a step back and rebooting.

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