Don’t be afraid to be different, to express yourself boldly or to challenge the status quo.
Overheard at the cosmic conference: you are stepping into the energy field of miracles, wild one!


We Will Be Here All Weekend & Bringing Some Of My Favorite Vendors Along
Come & Check Out:
T & C Bath & Wellness
Alice In Wonderdab
Gemini Rising Studio
Megan Bly Art
Cosmic Dice Hotline
Henna By The Nile
Holy Smokes Apparel

Get Your HiiiTea Tickets Today Using Discount Code: HighKu10

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We are a Vegan, Gluten Free, Natural Cannabis Lifestyle, & strive on breaking the stigma behind cannabis. HighKu.Co creates a holistic lifestyle for everyone to enjoy across Canada, for cannabis and non cannabis users alike. Please feel free to check out our website