Direct your emotions inwards to achieve your dreams

Today marks a significant celestial event as we prepare to witness this year’s first solar eclipse. This cosmic phenomenon is not just a mere alignment of heavenly bodies; it carries profound implications for our lives, both on an individual and collective level. Solar eclipses have long been regarded as potent catalysts for change, inviting us to delve deeper into our inner realms and embrace transformation. As we stand on the threshold of this celestial event, let us open our hearts and minds to the energies that accompany it. Embrace the opportunity for introspection, growth, and renewal. Let us reflect on the areas of our lives that are ripe for change and envision the possibilities that lie ahead. Whether you choose to witness the eclipse firsthand or simply tune into its energies from afar, know that we are all part of this cosmic dance. Let us unite in our journey of self-discovery and evolution, drawing strength from the celestial forces that guide us. May this solar eclipse in Pisces illuminate our paths and inspire us to embrace the changes that lie ahead.

Find Us At These Events This Month!

Links In Order Of Events





Thank you so much for your interest with HighKu.Co.

We are a Vegan, Gluten Free, Natural Cannabis Lifestyle, & strive on breaking the stigma behind cannabis. HighKu.Co creates a holistic lifestyle for everyone to enjoy across Canada, for cannabis and non cannabis users alike. Please feel free to check out our website  

Metamorphosis Is The Theme Of The Moment

This week, it’s all about dedication to your craft, whether that’s your 9-to-5, your side hustle, or a passion project that’s been waiting for its moment in the spotlight. Here’s the twist: you’re living in the moment and doing what you do best without being attached to the outcome. Yes, you want to create something meaningful, but you’re also cool with letting it evolve on its own terms. What your higher self wants you to know: you’re on the right track, beautiful! Keep showing up as your most authentic self, in every situation, and know that the universe will propel you in the direction of growth. Remember to enjoy the journey as much as the destination.

Thank you so much for your interest with HighKu.Co.

We are a Vegan, Gluten Free, Natural Cannabis Lifestyle, & strive on breaking the stigma behind cannabis. HighKu.Co creates a holistic lifestyle for everyone to enjoy across Canada, for cannabis and non cannabis users alike. Please feel free to check out our website  

Embrace Eclipse Season

Remember, HighKu Crew, the universe works in mysterious ways, orchestrating events in alignment with our highest good. Even amidst chaos and uncertainty, trust in the cosmic flow and have faith that every twist and turn serves a greater purpose in your journey of self-discovery and growth. As we navigate the tumultuous waters of eclipse season, let us embrace the transformative power of the cosmos with open hearts and minds. May we find solace in the ebb and flow of celestial energies, knowing that every challenge is an opportunity for growth and every eclipse a catalyst for change. It’s essential to approach this cosmic dance with mindfulness and balance. While astrological recommendations often guide us on how to align our actions with celestial events, eclipses defy such directives. Instead, we must surrender to the transformative power of the cosmos and trust in the universe’s guiding hand. It’s not about what we do, but rather how we allow ourselves to be influenced by the cosmic currents.

Thank you so much for your interest with HighKu.Co.

We are a Vegan, Gluten Free, Natural Cannabis Lifestyle, & strive on breaking the stigma behind cannabis. HighKu.Co creates a holistic lifestyle for everyone to enjoy across Canada, for cannabis and non cannabis users alike. Please feel free to check out our website  

Embrace The Renewal Of Spring Equinox

As the Spring Equinox graces us with its presence, we find ourselves at a crossroads of balance and renewal, where darkness and light dance in perfect harmony. It’s a time of transition, promising the blossoming of new beginnings and the rejuvenation of the world around us. Ostara invites us to revel in the beauty of nature’s fertility and growth, bidding farewell to the icy grasp of winter and embracing the vibrant warmth of spring. Let us celebrate the youthful exuberance of the season, as life bursts forth in a kaleidoscope of colors and vitality. May this Ostara bring you joy, abundance, and a renewed sense of wonder as we journey into the bountiful embrace of spring.

Coming Up!

Thank you so much for your interest with HighKu.Co.

We are a Vegan, Gluten Free, Natural Cannabis Lifestyle, & strive on breaking the stigma behind cannabis. HighKu.Co creates a holistic lifestyle for everyone to enjoy across Canada, for cannabis and non cannabis users alike. Please feel free to check out our website  

Women’s Month & The New Moon

The astrological year is almost over—how bittersweet. (ICYDK, a new astrological year begins at the spring equinox on March 19.) On one hand, this year was socially, spiritually, and emotionally challenging. Each year comes with challenges, and the challenges of this past astro-year were multifaceted and complex. But even though many of us may have felt stuck, so much growth occurred, too. As we prepare to embark upon the dawn of a new astrological year, let us embrace the lessons of the past with open hearts and minds. Let us stand tall, knowing that we have emerged stronger, wiser, and more resilient than ever before.

Thank you so much for your interest with HighKu.Co.

We are a Vegan, Gluten Free, Natural Cannabis Lifestyle, & strive on breaking the stigma behind cannabis. HighKu.Co creates a holistic lifestyle for everyone to enjoy across Canada, for cannabis and non cannabis users alike. Please feel free to check out our website  

Happy Women’s Month

As we embark on Women’s Month 2024, it’s my pleasure to introduce this year’s theme: “Inspire Inclusion.” Together, let’s ignite a movement towards a more inclusive world for women—one where gender equality isn’t just a dream but a reality. Picture a world where bias, stereotypes, and discrimination are relics of the past—a world that embraces diversity, equity, and inclusivity. It’s a world where our differences are not only accepted but celebrated—a world where every woman feels a sense of belonging and empowerment. In this journey towards equality, our collective efforts are paramount. Let’s join hands to forge a path towards women’s equality, celebrating their achievements, raising awareness about discrimination, and taking tangible actions to drive gender parity. Women’s Month isn’t just for women—it belongs to everyone, everywhere. Inclusion knows no bounds, and every action, big or small, is valid and impactful. So, as we celebrate Women’s Month, let’s inspire inclusion in all aspects of our lives. Let’s create a future where every woman’s voice is heard, valued, and respected. With determination and solidarity.

Calgary, Come & Show Out For This Music Market. 

Drink, Shop, & Sick Karaoke!

Thank you so much for your interest with HighKu.Co.

We are a Vegan, Gluten Free, Natural Cannabis Lifestyle, & strive on breaking the stigma behind cannabis. HighKu.Co creates a holistic lifestyle for everyone to enjoy across Canada, for cannabis and non cannabis users alike. Please feel free to check out our website  

Heartfelt Thank You

As we reflect on the significance of Black History Month, it’s imperative to acknowledge the profound impact Black Canadians have had on shaping our nation’s rich tapestry of culture, compassion, and prosperity throughout history. From trailblazing pioneers to resilient community leaders, Black Canadians have made invaluable contributions that have helped define the diverse fabric of Canada. Despite these remarkable achievements, it’s regrettable that the celebration and recognition of Black Canadians often seem confined to the month of February. This past February, while we attempted to highlight the achievements and contributions of Black Canadians, it’s evident that Canada’s efforts fell short of what is truly deserved. We recognize the need for sustained support and acknowledgment beyond the confines of a single month. Canada has been blessed with a legacy of inspiring Black individuals who have shattered barriers and defied odds, yet their stories and accomplishments often remain overlooked or overshadowed. It’s time to change this narrative. As we move forward, let’s commit to amplifying the voices of Black creators, supporting their endeavors, and actively participating in initiatives that promote inclusivity and diversity. Let’s ensure that our appreciation and recognition extend far beyond the month of February, embracing the richness and diversity of Black Canadian culture year-round. Together, let’s strive for a more equitable and inclusive society where the achievements and contributions of Black Canadians are celebrated and honored every day.

We’re thrilled to share that we’ll be recording a special music video for Tea Fannie in Edmonton and Calgary at two markets, shining a spotlight on Canadian BIPOC & Queer Small Businesses, all while celebrating Women’s Month! If you’re interested, please sign up for one of the two markets (THC PotLuck Edmonton & Music Market Calgary. It’s a fantastic opportunity to showcase your business and be part of something truly special. If attending isn’t feasible for you, we’re also offering video sponsorship opportunities to help promote and support the project. Whether it’s clothing, makeup, hair, props, or any other contribution, every bit helps make this project a success! Let us know if you’d like more details or if you’re ready to sign up. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Thank you so much for your interest with HighKu.Co.

We are a Vegan, Gluten Free, Natural Cannabis Lifestyle, & strive on breaking the stigma behind cannabis. HighKu.Co creates a holistic lifestyle for everyone to enjoy across Canada, for cannabis and non cannabis users alike. Please feel free to check out our website  

A Call For Genuine Inclusivity

As we reflect on the significance of Black Excellence Month, let us not view it as an isolated event but as a call to action for sustained and meaningful change. Let us honor the legacy of Black pioneers, trailblazers, and changemakers by committing ourselves to the ongoing struggle for justice, equality, and genuine inclusivity. In doing so, we can create a world where Black excellence is not confined to a single month but celebrated and valued every day, where every individual has the opportunity to fulfill their potential regardless of race, and where the principles of equity and justice guide our collective journey towards a more inclusive and equitable society.

We’re thrilled to share that Tea Fannie will be recording a special music video in Edmonton and Calgary at two upcoming markets, shining a spotlight on Canadian BIPOC & Queer small businesses, all while celebrating Women’s Month! We’d love to feature all our amazing local companies at one of these markets. If you’re interested, please sign up for one of the two markets. It’s a fantastic opportunity to showcase your business and be part of something truly special. If attending isn’t feasible for you, we’re also offering video sponsorship opportunities to help promote and support the project. Whether it’s clothing, makeup, hair, props, or any other contribution, every bit helps make this project a success! Let us know if you’d like more details or if you’re ready to sign up. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Thank you so much for your interest with HighKu.Co.

We are a Vegan, Gluten Free, Natural Cannabis Lifestyle, & strive on breaking the stigma behind cannabis. HighKu.Co creates a holistic lifestyle for everyone to enjoy across Canada, for cannabis and non cannabis users alike. Please feel free to check out our website  

A Tale of Love and Healing

Overheard at the cosmic conference: Spirit wants the best and only the best for you! As such, hope and healing are also going to be a big theme for you, now and for the rest of Aquarius season. Continue to observe the old wounds that are resurfacing from a space of love and tenderness as you remember that your heart is the ultimate alchemist.

HighKu.Co Was Nominated for Community Votes Edmonton 2024

Wellness, Hair and Beauty: Aromatherapy

Please Nominate HighKu.Co Along With All Your Favorite Small Local Businesses.

Thank you so much for your interest with HighKu.Co.

We are a Vegan, Gluten Free, Natural Cannabis Lifestyle, & strive on breaking the stigma behind cannabis. HighKu.Co creates a holistic lifestyle for everyone to enjoy across Canada, for cannabis and non cannabis users alike. Please feel free to check out our website