Short Week Full Moons

Prepare to bloom as May’s flower full moon dares you to push the boundaries of your dreams and toss out self-defeating thoughts clouding your goals. As spring’s final full moon, the flower moon offers opportunities to reignite your spark and rebuild your confidence before entering the bustling summer months.


It is with great regret that I must inform you of this postponement. We understand the anticipation and excitement surrounding this event, and we share your disappointment in having to make this decision. The decision to postpone the Cannaoke event  was not made lightly. Unfortunately, a sudden family emergency has arisen, requiring our immediate attention and action. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. Rest assured that we are committed to keeping you informed about the new date for the Cannaoke Bingo event as soon as it is confirmed. In the meantime, please find attached a list of our upcoming events. We have an exciting lineup planned for the year, and we would be delighted to have you join us for any of them.

Thank you so much for your interest with HighKu.Co.

We are a Vegan, Gluten Free, Natural Cannabis Lifestyle, & strive on breaking the stigma behind cannabis. HighKu.Co creates a holistic lifestyle for everyone to enjoy across Canada, for cannabis and non cannabis users alike. Please feel free to check out our website