To all who have texted, messaged, Dm’d, phoned, listened, cried, laughed, screamed, sat quietly, sent flowers / food / gifts, reached out with a word or picture or smile, who’ve been caring, praying, thinking and loving me…
I just want to say thank you! I truly love and appreciate you all.
One day at a time… Sometimes, just one minute. Each day will bring a new opportunity to reconnect with you all. It’s been a very difficult time for me, indeed. But thank you all for constantly sticking by my side.
In some cultures they can’t harvest, make medicine or cook for others because grief is transferable. They believe that emotions can spread like a cold, and you can “catch” them too. Negative emotions, like pain, fear and sadness, are more contagious than positive ones. Humans are inherently creative, we are not machines. We have a unique way of EXPRESSING, INTERPRETING, & RELATING. If we deny humanity of these abilities, or even worse, do not recognise them in our day to day… then we deny them SIGNIFICANCE, which is a basic human need.
My two tattoos on my hands are;
Meraki & Ataraxia.
Ataraxia is calmness untroubled by mental or emotional disquiet. The highest goal of an Epicurean disciple was Ataraxia—tranquility of mind.
Meraki means “Doing something with a sense of PRIDE and CARE”. Loosely translated as the LABOUR of LOVE we see from certain craftsmen, artists, chefs or creatives in their pieces of work. Common online definition for the word MERAKI is: “The soul, creativity, or love put into something; the essence of yourself that is put into your work”. Without MERAKI there is no meaning left in our work.
Because of all of these factors that go into creating plant medicine, I can not/ will not be creating anything with my hands at this current time. I hope you all can understand. However, HighKu.Co still has stock on hand to help get you through along the way. Find HighKu.Co Products At;
Ch.Cafeteria with The Lighthouse- 14802 Stony Plain Rd, Edmonton, AB T5N 3S5
Carrot Community Arts Cafe- 9351 118 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T5G 0N3
Grim Reefer Magic-
The Moon YEG- find them on Instagram For All The Upcoming Shows
Special Appreciation Sale While Supply Last.

This Month Find HighKu At…
June 9th At Sizzle Season
June 11th At Tea Fannie Thank You Show
June 17th At Lie Low Festival
June 25th At The Psychic & Healing Fair
Every Thursday At 124 Market With The Lighthouse YEG
.Cosmic Wisdom:
Stop worrying about the hiccups that have gotten in the way, and look at all the light moments you have shared along the way. Find like-minded folk to feel like you belong instead of playing old stories on loop.
Thank you so much for your interest with HighKu.Co.
We are a Vegan, Gluten Free, Natural Cannabis Lifestyle, & strive on breaking the stigma behind cannabis. HighKu.Co creates a holistic lifestyle for everyone to enjoy across Canada, for cannabis and non cannabis users alike. Please feel free to check out our website