No Celebration In Eradication

Tonight, communication planet Mercury enters conscientious, analytical Virgo, where it will remain until early October. This period invites you to attend to the details of your life: to create a thorough plan for your work (and follow through on it), to deal with the small but necessary tasks you’ve been procrastinating on, to quit ignoring possible red flags in a new relationship, no matter how minor you want to believe they are. You’re not responsible for keeping track of everybody else’s theories about the universe. For now, try to prioritize your own.

HighKu.Co Will Be At All Of Tea Fannie’s July Events

Look Out For The Merch Table At Each Event!

Thank you so much for your interest with HighKu.Co.

We are a Vegan, Gluten Free, Natural Cannabis Lifestyle, & strive on breaking the stigma behind cannabis. HighKu.Co creates a holistic lifestyle for everyone to enjoy across Canada, for cannabis and non cannabis users alike. Please feel free to check out our website