I Have the Mental Toughness To Overcome Any Setback

When you ask for a sign, you must be willing to zoom out and look at what is being brought your way through a broader more detached lens. Accept what is being shown to you and let your angels intervene and help you resolve this challenge. Just because you feel you are right, it may not mean that there is no other valid perspective. So try focussing on getting to an amicable outcome, rather than wanting to get yourself proven right.

Cosmic Wisdom:

Each one has different capabilities, and varying gifts. That’s exactly why we are part of a rainbow spectrum not a hierarchy.

Back In Stock

Hemp Honey

Microdose Caps

Infused With Tumeric, Ginger & Black Pepper To Enhance & Improve Function.

This Week Find Us Here…


For Tickets, Information, & Address, Email:


This Weekend

Tea Fannie In Yellow Knife


Thank you so much for your interest with HighKu.Co.

We are a Vegan, Gluten Free, Natural Cannabis Lifestyle, & strive on breaking the stigma behind cannabis.

HighKu.Co creates a holistic lifestyle for everyone to enjoy across Canada, for cannabis and non cannabis users alike.

Please feel free to check out our website www.highkuco.com  

New Month New Super Moon

July Affirmations: 

• I am independent and strong 

• Success comes naturally to me 

• I enjoy close bonds with my loved ones 

• When I feel myself becoming tense, I breathe and relax 

• I set my sights high and never settle for less than I deserve 

• Decision making comes easily to me 

• I love and acceptance myself, just the way I am 

• I accomplish my tasks with ease 

• There is no limit to what I can do

Menu Attached

HighKu.Co Is Back In The Kitchen!

Check Out These Events

Thank you so much for your interest with HighKu.Co.

We are a Vegan, Gluten Free, Natural Cannabis Lifestyle, & strive on breaking the stigma behind cannabis. HighKu.Co creates a holistic lifestyle for everyone to enjoy across Canada, for cannabis and non cannabis users alike. Please feel free to check out our website www.highkuco.com  

No Celebration In Eradication

Tonight, communication planet Mercury enters conscientious, analytical Virgo, where it will remain until early October. This period invites you to attend to the details of your life: to create a thorough plan for your work (and follow through on it), to deal with the small but necessary tasks you’ve been procrastinating on, to quit ignoring possible red flags in a new relationship, no matter how minor you want to believe they are. You’re not responsible for keeping track of everybody else’s theories about the universe. For now, try to prioritize your own.

HighKu.Co Will Be At All Of Tea Fannie’s July Events

Look Out For The Merch Table At Each Event!

Thank you so much for your interest with HighKu.Co.

We are a Vegan, Gluten Free, Natural Cannabis Lifestyle, & strive on breaking the stigma behind cannabis. HighKu.Co creates a holistic lifestyle for everyone to enjoy across Canada, for cannabis and non cannabis users alike. Please feel free to check out our website www.highkuco.com  

Ready For Summer Solstice?

Cosmic Wisdom: A mystery is waiting to unfold for you, and your guidance is to enjoy every bit of everything that comes your way. Take things head on and power through them with utmost confidence today. Leave self-doubt on the sidelines and reassure yourself that you and your angels can handle this beautifully. You are assured to shine, so just focus on doing your best.

Your summer solstice 2023 horoscope is propelling you toward your immediate desires just in time for hot girl summer.

Thank you so much for your interest with HighKu.Co.

We are a Vegan, Gluten Free, Natural Cannabis Lifestyle, & strive on breaking the stigma behind cannabis. HighKu.Co creates a holistic lifestyle for everyone to enjoy across Canada, for cannabis and non cannabis users alike. Please feel free to check out our website www.highkuco.com  

Appreciation Sale

To all who have texted, messaged, Dm’d, phoned, listened, cried, laughed, screamed, sat quietly, sent flowers / food / gifts, reached out with a word or picture or smile, who’ve been caring, praying, thinking and loving me…

I just want to say thank you! I truly love and appreciate you all.
One day at a time… Sometimes, just one minute. Each day will bring a new opportunity to reconnect with you all. It’s been a very difficult time for me, indeed. But thank you all for constantly sticking by my side.
In some cultures they can’t harvest, make medicine or cook for others because grief is transferable. They believe that emotions can spread like a cold, and you can “catch” them too. Negative emotions, like pain, fear and sadness, are more contagious than positive ones. Humans are inherently creative, we are not machines. We have a unique way of EXPRESSING, INTERPRETING, & RELATING. If we deny humanity of these abilities, or even worse, do not recognise them in our day to day… then we deny them SIGNIFICANCE, which is a basic human need. 

My two tattoos on my hands are;
Meraki & Ataraxia.

Ataraxia is calmness untroubled by mental or emotional disquiet. The highest goal of an Epicurean disciple was Ataraxia—tranquility of mind.

Meraki means “Doing something with a sense of PRIDE and CARE”. Loosely translated as the LABOUR of LOVE we see from certain craftsmen, artists, chefs or creatives in their pieces of work. Common online definition for the word MERAKI is: “The soul, creativity, or love put into something; the essence of yourself that is put into your work”. Without MERAKI there is no meaning left in our work.

Because of all of these factors that go into creating plant medicine, I can not/ will not be creating anything with my hands at this current time. I hope you all can understand. However, HighKu.Co still has stock on hand to help get you through along the way. Find HighKu.Co Products At;
Ch.Cafeteria with The Lighthouse-  14802 Stony Plain Rd, Edmonton, AB T5N 3S5

Carrot Community Arts Cafe-  9351 118 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T5G 0N3

Grim Reefer Magic- https://elizabethburns.myshopify.com/
The Moon YEG- find them on Instagram For All The Upcoming Shows

Special Appreciation Sale While Supply Last.

This Month Find HighKu At…

June 9th At Sizzle Season


June 11th At Tea Fannie Thank You Show

June 17th At Lie Low Festival

June 25th At The Psychic & Healing Fair 


Every Thursday At 124 Market With The Lighthouse YEG


.Cosmic Wisdom: 

Stop worrying about the hiccups that have gotten in the way, and look at all the light moments you have shared along the way. Find like-minded folk to feel like you belong instead of playing old stories on loop.

Thank you so much for your interest with HighKu.Co.

We are a Vegan, Gluten Free, Natural Cannabis Lifestyle, & strive on breaking the stigma behind cannabis. HighKu.Co creates a holistic lifestyle for everyone to enjoy across Canada, for cannabis and non cannabis users alike. Please feel free to check out our website www.highkuco.com  

Send Love

Due to a family emergency, I will be on bereavement leave until further notice.

Please check out the Carrot Community Arts Cafe (9351 118 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T5G 0N3), Ch. Cafeteria (14802 Stony Plain Rd, Edmonton, AB T5N 3S5), & Cosmic Hotline (https://cosmic-dice.net/shop), for different HighKu.Co Products across Canada. 

For any outstanding orders or anyone who needs to grab anything, I will be offering pick up today and tomorrow at our downtown pick up location only. As I will be out of town until further notice. 

Please keep the HighKu.Co family in your thoughts and prayers at this time. Grieving a loss can change your life. Thank you for understanding and please be patient with us over the next few weeks. 

Cosmic Tip For This Week

You are blessed with so much that you once dreamed of; a loving circle, perhaps even loving pets and plants. Take some time to appreciate these treasures and strike that balance in your life. Your aspirations are a lifelong journey, your loved ones are here to make this journey meaningful. Go easy on yourself and take time to create that piece of heaven you are looking for. Make space for love, happiness, and forgiveness today.

Sincerely, Anisha Reindorf 

Flower Moon

The beginning of May marks the midpoint between the spring equinox and summer solstice and provides plenty of reasons to look up. The opening of the month also brings a waxing moon brightening the evening sky. This month’s full moon on May 5th is known as the “flower” moon. Friday night, the full moon will graze Earth’s shadow to create what’s known as a penumbral lunar eclipse.

A full moon is generally marked by a period of unburdening the mind and getting revitalised. When a lunar eclipse is factored in, it provides an opportunity to focus on oneself and introspect. Reportedly, astrologers see this moon phase as a time of vulnerability and letting out the deepest emotions for the different zodiacs. During this time, communication is key during the flower moon month and can affect your equation with your siblings. It’s time to let go of certain things, not be bothered by negativity and encourage self-love. May
2023 can also be a month of taking a step back and rebooting.

RSO Starting At $45.00

Mother’s Day Box Starting
At $50.00

Thank you so
much for your interest with HighKu.Co.

We are a
Vegan, Gluten Free, Natural Cannabis Lifestyle, & strive on breaking the
stigma behind cannabis. HighKu.Co creates a holistic lifestyle for everyone to
enjoy across Canada, for cannabis and non cannabis users alike. Please feel
free to check out our website www.highkuco.com

Retrograde & RSO

Taurus Season is in full swing, and the practical magic this zodiac sign provides is ideal for bringing new levels of efficiency to all that you do. Finicky Mercury is solidly in its first full week of retrograde as it backs up through pragmatic Taurus from April 21 to May 14. Move through your missions with care! While Mercury in retrograde doesn’t sound like the best news out there, let us deliver a silver-lined perspective to you. For one thing, there couldn’t be a better excuse to embrace slow living. As you move through this week, consciously choose to trade burnout culture norms for mindful, deliberate activities.

Since Taurus is the zodiac sign that rules the senses—and the body—you’re invited to treat yours like the most sacred temple.

Be kind, be good, and be generous. Be the kind of person others want to see coming their way. If you have to fake it, then do, because this caring, positive vibe will grow, settle and become natural soon enough. The Six of Pentacles asks us all to be a little bit, well, nicer to each other this week. Make an effort. Pay compliments, offer support, listen, show up, share advice, and provide help. When you’re good to others, it makes you feel good, too. Plus, it stores up “good karma credit” in the cosmic bank. What more do you need? Just be kind!- Anisha Reindorf